Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > HELP!!!


23 15:34:44

QUESTION: k, i couldnt add any more followups so i asked a new question.  the ph in the pail went down so i moved the fish into it. right now i am draining the tank. in the pail the alkiline is high, and the ph is at 7.2 is this ok

ANSWER: Yes that's great!  Thank goodness.  I'm sitting here wracking my brains out trying to think what else could be wrong.  It's got to be your water source.  Check your softener.  Something isn't right.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks! k, ill be sure to use water from a fill station when i fil it up
thank you so much!

ANSWER: You are welcome.  I hope it helps in time.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I've filled up the tank with the new water now, andit still seems a little murky, but this may be just because of the baking soda. Of that I've added quite a bit now, and the alkalinity still is pretty low, do you know of anything else I could use to raise it, or is this something that just takes time?

It may just be the baking soda.  Let the filter do its job and let it settle.

If it remains cloudy, then you need to take your tap water to a pet store and have them test it to find out what is going on.

Do this before you add any additives to it.  Go to the sink, take a cup of water, and then take it to the pet store to have it tested.  
