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Blood parrot fish..with eggs

23 16:20:15

Hi, I have one blood parrot fish and she has laid eggs, they are beige in color.  I am reading that if they are not white they should be fertile, however she doesn't have a mate in the aquarium.  She does have two silver dollars who are getting attacked by her as she is protecting her eggs.  Please inform as to what to do to get these eggs to hatch.  Should I remove the Silver Dollars?  I would love any suggestions you have.  Thanks in advance.

Hi Linda;

Unfortunately, without a male of her species in the tank to fertilize the eggs as they are laid they can't hatch. They are clear when laid by the female, whether they are fertile or not. It can take a couple of days before they start to whiten. She may eat them as they turn white from decay too. It's her instinct to do that to keep the nest clean. It's perfectly okay for her to "go through the motions" as if there are viable eggs for her to care for. She will probably lay more eggs eventually again. It doesn't hurt her at all and gives her something to do besides eat and look pretty. ;-)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins