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baby tetras

25 9:10:54

I have only set up my tank tow weeks ago. 90 liters, 6 tetras, drift wood a good varity of plants, all is well.HOWEVER we now have about 10 baby fish about 5-7mm long. They have lived happly in the plants and around the drift wood for about 5 days. Should we move them or will they survie?
Any help will be appricated,
regards Elizabteh B.

Hi Elizabeth;

Wow! How exciting! The adults may eat them so provide live plants for them. The babies will hide in and feed off of them. They are probably really liking the driftwood. Plenty of tiny microscopic organisms to feed off of on there.

You could move them but it can be risky. They are hard to catch and they could go into shock. Use a sponge filter so they don't get sucked up into anything. They are run with an air pump and are slow flowing.

Have fun and good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins