Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Dying Betta Fish---3 years old

Dying Betta Fish---3 years old

23 16:25:08

I have a dying female betta fish. She is 3 years old and she's had some problems in the past that "Betta Fix Remedy" has helped. But this time her body is totally vertical all the time and when i shake the glass, she will squirm but then go back to the same position. What is wrong and what should I do? I have done the betta remedy fix for 3-4 days and still no help...

Hi Lydia:

Take some of your betta's water down to the local aquarium and ask them to test it for you... of if you have the means you can test it yourself.  You could be dealing with many different issues ranging from old age to a bacterial infection or just a simple water chemistry issue.  If the water tests come in within normal ranges then I would try to raise her tank temperature to 80-85 degrees...but do it slowly... a degree a day.... I would as a precaution treat your fish for a bladder issue.  Fish have a bladder that is full of gas and that helps keep fish buoyant.  When those bladders become unbalance either through age or via infection the fish will lose its ability to keep itself upright... Let me know what happens... dave