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Guppie breeding

23 16:30:54

I have 2 Guppies in my tank (that I was told were both male) and today I noticed that there were a few baby fish swimming around, that looked just like my guppies. I assumed that I was sold a female by mistake, and that these were her babies, because one of the adult guppies is staying in the corner of my tank, around a pile of what looks like eggs. I can see that they're hatching as I type. The "eggs" are yellow, and if you look close enough it looks like there are baby fish inside. Everything that I've read on Guppies says that they are livebearers who eat they're young, but this one appears to be protecting the "eggs". Is it possible that she laid eggs instead of giving live birth? I also have 2 Balloon Belly Mollies and a red-finned shark in my tank as well, but these babies are black and yellow just like my adult guppies. I'm very confused. Any ideas?

Hi Amanda,
What a surprise you had with your guppies!

Guppies are indeed livebearers but they can also produce eggs that haven't yet hatched and these could be considered "premature babies" That can happen sometimes by accident or when the female guppies are stressed or maybe young themselves. If the fry hatch out of the eggs just fine that would be very unique. The babies may in fact all survive if nobody eats them.

Congrats on the babies! I hope they do well! You have quite an interesting aquarium!

I hope this helps!