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male bullying female acara

25 9:08:02



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I have recently purchased 2 blue acara which are only about 4-5 cm and are male and female. they were getting along fine until last nite when the male started chasing the female into a corner.
The tank is 25gal and its only them in there.
why would the male chase the female away?
Are they just settling down?
What can i do about it?
would it help putting a fish bigger than the male in there so he stops thinking hes the boss?
please help!!!!

Answer -
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your letter. I do not recommend adding more fish. Usually, the more crowded, the more problems you will have.
It's okay for the fish to chase each other around. As long as they don't attack each other and tear fins.
One quesetion: do you have hiding places, such as plants, rocks, etc.? Fish like to hide, like in their natural habitat in coral reefs, etc.
The main problem is over feeding. If the water becomes polluted, that's when fish start dying.
To avoid that, please read my page for holistic aquarium care and print it out for future reference:
Write back if you want to discuss further.
thankyou very much for the advice i was just a bit woried about it and answer to your question yes i have plenty of hiding places in the tank.
The male just seems to chase the female off and on.
I have kept a look out for him chasing her 2day and he doesnt seem to do it at all.
But its good to know that its not bullying if he does it again. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You're welcome. Maybe they were just disoriented.
I'm glad you have hiding places. They should be fine.
Just feed sparingly and keep the water healthy.
If you have any more questions, write back again.
would it be a good idea to do 2 water changes a week for my messy little acara or would it not be necessary?
I would prefer water to be crystal than slightly dirty!!!!

Answer -
Hi Alex,
The only way to keep the water clean is to not pollute it in the first place. That means restrict the diet and use "Cycle" (friendly bacteria) to condition the water. Think about it. Would you throw a hamburger in a bowl of water and then drink the water for the next few days? Fish food contains animal products that pollute the water. Fish only need to eat a couple of flakes a day. Anything more than that pollutes and clouds the water. Even if you change it every day, ALL the water is polluted.
Plus, when you add new water, it is too sterile. You need a good bacteria culture to break down fish waste, help the fish's digesetion, and to protect the fish's silky coating.
So feed less, change the water less, and use Cycle.
read and print for future reference.
Write back if you want to discuss further.
The female acara is still being chased off and on.
She is a lot smaller than the male.
Are you sure there is nothing wrong?
The female has never chased the male but when she is chased she does not hide for long,she comes back out and they get along for a while and he chases her again.
She does not get injured.
But ive never kept acara before and im just making sure.!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you again!!!  

Hi Alex,
I still think they are just playing. Maybe like kittens play when they are young. Then they just sleep when they get older.
As long as nobody gets hurt, it's okay.
Only be very careful that you feed properly. Do not over feed. If the water gets polluted with rotting food, then they might get violent with each other.
If your water is pure, the fish can play and nobody gets hurt.