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sick oscar

23 15:54:11

i have a 55 gallon tank with 3 oscars 2 albino and one black and orange, the two albino oscars are always picking at the black one and he is starting to get holes in his scales, also one of the albinos has been laying in the same spot at the bottom with its fins tightly enclosed for about 3 days now it will barely swim anywhere else and it wont even go for food unless its extremely close to that area. Can you tell me whats wrong with my fish please?

Hi Anna,
I believe your oscars may be becoming territorial with one another. Perhaps it is male/territorial fights. To be honest, three oscars is really pushing it for a 55 gallon. A better situation would be minimum 55 gallons per oscar since they grow into such large and dirty fish.

The listless behavior is also concerning. It could be due to pollution problems. Since oscars produce far more waste than most fish, this is definitely a danger. I would advise you to try doing a 50% water change. And try to do 50% water changes at least three times a week. It sounds extreme, but it is vital for these demanding fish to have clean water to prevent illnesses starting when young that can stick with them and be stubborn to get rid of when they are older.

Sounds like the trio are certainly a stressed little group of fish.  I think you may have to rehome some of the oscars or try getting a bigger aquarium. For three oscars something like a 100 gallon would be best. Bigger the better always.

For now, water changes water changes water changes! ;-) And if the one oscar is being made miserable, for now, you can get a tank divider for a 55 gallon to help give the little guy some relief.

Read here for more very helpful info on oscars-

I hope all is well!