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New 180 litre tank, very confused about info on internet on Blue rams

23 15:50:13

Hi, I have recently aquired a juwel visin 180 tank. So far, I have added gravel from my previous established tank, planted the tank with java ferns, pygme chain sword and some bamboo stem like plant which I am finding hard to identify. I've got dark grey and black gravel, an eheim filter, 200 watt heater and have built a custom made aluminium sheet lined hood with JBL 25 watt flourescent light. Basically, I've put in a lot of work and my original plan was to have a tank centred around some dwarf cichlids- pref blue/bolivian rams and possibly cockatoo apistogrammas.
However, I'm confused with a lot of information I have found on the internet for a number of things.
Firstly- are the cockatoos and blue rams compatible tank mates (i've got lots of plants, pots and bogwood for hiding)?

- will the rams be ok in London water- hard and alkaline stuff, causes limescale on pretty much anything it touches?

- will they eat the black phantom and rummy nose tetras I am planning on getting?

- will there be too many disputes if I get some dwarf gouramis later on?

and finally, how long should I soak my bogwood for?! (i'd rather not varnish it) I've read varying times from 3 days to 5 months.
Sorry to ask such a ton of questions, but I really wanted to plan and exectue this tank as perfectly as possible and the internet seems to be full of conflicting advice.
Thank you very much!

Hi Rebecca,
I must first apologize for getting back so late. I've been so flooded with letters.

I know this must be a real annoyance for me to be so slow with responding so I will answer this in the most simplest and best way I can.

Cockatoo dwarf cichlids and Rams would likely get along well, especially more so when provided with plenty of hiding places and plants as you know.

The Rams will probably be just fine in the hard, alkaline water. The best thing to do is check with the petstore's water and know what type of water they keep their rams in and simply match that. Its likely that the rams are already adjusted to hard alkaline water.

Rams are very compatible with small tetra-type fish so your black phantom and rummynose tetras will be just fine

The dwarf gouramis should be fully compatible as well with all the species you mentioned. Its possible that male gouramis might occasionally quarrel with one another, however.

You could likely soak the bogwood for about 1-2 weeks depending on the size of the piece(s). It never hurts for a little tannin to be released into the water and the fish often appreciate it. Carbon filtration will remove the discoloration as well as water changes.

Your tank sounds like a wonderful setup so far.

I hope all goes well and I really sincerely apologize for getting back to you so late.
Have a good weekend!