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Betta Fish Tank

23 15:23:00

Hi, my name is Manuel i am 15 years old and i have a 20 gallon aquarium. I want to get a small tank for one betta, can you tell me which one is the cheapest setup ? i would also like to moderatly plant the tank & nothing over 2.5 gallons? or just tell me what's best for the fish :) Thank You so much !

2.5 gallons is the absolute smallest tank he can be in. 5 Gallons, however, is better. In the 2.5 you will not want to put in too many plants or decorations because that will make his swimming space too small. Bigger tanks are a lot easier to take care of then the smaller ones.  In the small 2.5 you will have to do complete water changes every 5-7 days.  This will stress him out a little since you will have to remove him, and make sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Also, you have to have a heater to keep his water at 80 degrees at all times. The 2.5 gallon tanks are not big enough for the heater. You will not need to use a filter in the Betta's tank.