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My green spotted puffer

23 16:25:32

Hi! I have a happy fat little green spotted puffer fish in a 10 gallon brackish aquarium (hes still only about an inch and will be put in a bigger tank as he grows). I was wondering if there would be any good tank mates for him that would clean up the algae and assist the filter. If there's a good algae eating catfish that could live in brackish water that would be great! Thanks and I can't wait to here from you!


Hi Will
I can't think of any good mates for your GSP that would clean algae and/or left over food, and that would be suitable for your tank size.  Some shrimp and some snails can tolerate brackish conditions, but they would quickly be eaten by the GSP.....

As far as catfish, there are a few species that can tolerate brackish water, but they wouldn't do well in a 10 gallon tank, and they don't eat algae like a pleco would.

So, sorry but you'll just need to scrub the algae yourself :)  Which is usually the best way anyway.  Just do frequent water changes-weekly about 25% along with a good gravel/substrate vacuum, don't overfeed, net out any uneaten food immediately, keep the light on the tank on only for about 6-8 hours, that should help a bit.  

Good luck with your puff and let me know if you have more questions.
