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little gnat looking bugs

23 16:01:53

I have had freshwater aquariums all my life ranging from cyclids to angels to guppies and anything in between. One of the tanks I currently have is a 30 gallon tank with mostly fancy guppies and a few mollies (as well as a couple algae eaters and plecos). The tank recently was infected with ick (I am quarantining but curing the other tank as well). Now, my question is, I have been paying particular attention to who eats how much and how my fish are breathing etc. therefore spending a considerable amount of time checking out the surface of the water where, and here is my question, I noticed TINY little bugs skipping around. I have NEVER seen this and am wondering if by any chance you could tell me what they are.
Thank you for your help!!

Hi Lauren,
There are many types of "pests" that can get into our aquariums and although it may be alarming to see them. They usually in most cases are completely harmless scavengers. What you described do sound like copepods but I can't be 100% sure. They are tiny crustaceans that feed on excess nutrients/food in the water. So the key to getting rid of most scavenger pests in your tank is by doing extra water changes and gravel vacuuming to remove their food source. It may take a while, but eventually the bugs should go away as their population can no longer be sustained through lack of food.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!