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Cloudy and suds in a new tank

23 15:23:00

I have had my tank for about three weeks. I made sure I read all the directions before buying fish I set my tank and waited 72 before I brought fish. I brought three tropical fish for my ten gallon tank. Two days after I placed the fish into the tank I noticed the water was not as clear as it had been by the end of the first west it was very cloudy and suddsy especially near the filter. I took a water sample to my local pet store and was tOld everything checked fine maybe too much nitrates but than that it was fine. They suggested I change half of the water with Spring water which I did  but it has been three weeks and it is stil cloudy and suds. Any suggestion?

Hi Cynthia,
Sounds like a bacterial bloom. Definitely seems to be a buildup of some kind of organics in the water as well. This can happen when you add fish to a recently setup tank and it is due to the aquarium being unbalanced.

The best thing you can do for your fish and tank is to start changing half the water every day until the aquarium is clear. There's no better remedy for bacterial blooms than water changes. It may take some time and patience but I guarantee the aquarium will clear with persistence.

*And you don't need spring water. I really see no benefits to using it. Conditioned tap water should be perfectly fine.

The suds are likely from dissolved organics in the water which are coating any air bubbles and making them less likely to pop. Again, water changes will fix this. Just make sure when doing water changes to always add water conditioner to new water and make sure the temp is equal to or just a little bit warmer than your tank's temp.

I hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions!