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new semi aggresive tank

23 16:04:06

Hi I have setup a 55 gallon tank and it has 3 bala sharks, 1 pleco, 1 pangasius catfish ( Yes I know they get huge ) and 2 African cichlids which I cant return to the pet store. I wanted to get some tinfoil barbs and silver dollars. I've read they need to be kept in shoals so how much should I get of each.

Hi Mandeep.

I have some bad news for you.  Bala sharks need to be kept in groups of 5 or more, and get over a foot long.  They need 125+ gallons to themselves.  The pleco (if a regular pleco) gets over a foot to a foot and a half long and should be kept in a 75+ gallon tank.  I don't know much about the catfish, but if they get huge, they shouldn't be in a 55 gallon tank.  The african chichlids should ideally be kept in their own specific region tank.  Tinfoil barbs are ok in the 55 gallon, but not if you plan to keep all of the other fish.  Silver dollars are more peaceful fish, get dinner place sized and should be kept in 150+ gallon tanks.  Please think about the fishs' wellbeing and please don't add to your already overstocked tank and please try to rehome some of your fish.