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New crayfish

23 16:10:14

I just got a crayfish for my tank. It it safe to keep him with my fancy tails and my red tailed black shark? I have a 40G tank. My goldfish are non aggressive, The shark in not so worried about he can fend for himself. and the crayfish has had it's claws crushed at the store. I'm just wondering if it's ok to keep them together or should i separate them?

Hi Brittanie
Honestly, I'm not too familiar with crayfish, since I've never owned them.  But, from what I have heard/read on them, usually not a good idea in a tank with fish.  Seems they like to attack the fish at night when the fish are sleeping, even more aggressive types of fish.  Not sure how the crushed claws would affect that though, but I would say it's probably best to move the crayfish to a tank by himself.

Good luck!
