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Stocking a small tank

23 16:22:43


I have a 5 gallon its been up since October and I did a full fishless cycle
before putting any fish in it.
I currently have a happy honey gourami. He is bright about 1 inch now and
very perky but a bit shy. He spends most of his time hiding behind plants.
The tank is heavily planted.
I am hoping to find a tank mate for him preferably a bottom feeder. There is
not much algae in the tank and I do weekly 20% water changes, but I thought
a bottom feeder would be useful for excess food.
I was hoping to get a catfish and my local fish store suggested panda
corydora catfish, but all the information I read said they would grow too big,
and need to be in a big shoal so that would make my tank overstocked.
I was wondering if ghost shrimp would be alright. I have a gravel bottom,
small gravel and it is not sharp. How many ghost shrimp could I get, would
they bother my honey or would he eat them?
Are there any other options for tank mates either top or bottom? Do you
think my honey gourami is lonely should I buy him a female mate perhaps?

Thanks for the help.  

Hi Nika:  Try two otocinclus cats... or two... they stay really small I have had mine for as long as I have had my guppies and he is still smaller then my guppies.  You will need to supplement their diet though with an algae wafer a couple of times per week.  The panda cory's are ok too but they are probably a lot more expensive.  Get your honey gourami a tank mate soon... before he/she gets too territorial.   hope this helps... dave