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How can I help my nipped pleco??

23 16:10:10

Sorry the previous question was unclear.
My common pleco has been nipped almost bare of his pectoral fins and now is losing some of his dorsal fin. I beleive the culprit is my Black banded leporinus.

I'd like some ideas how to protect him and how to help him heal.

Here's my particulars
29 gallon 1 1/2 year old tank.
One fairly large common pleco (6 in)
one black banded leporinus (6 in)
one clown pleco
1 pigmy leopard catfish
three tiger barbs
three cherry barbs
three albino tiger barbs
one albino corydora
three harlequin rasboras
one clown loach

Thanks for your time.

You can separate him, add a product called MelaFix, and do 35% water changes every other day.

Problems with your stocking
- Common plecos need tanks of 125 gallons when fully grown.
- So does the leporinus
- The clown pleco needs a 75g
-Cherry barbs, corydoras, and harlequins need schools of at least 6, which is not doable in your tank size.
Clown loaches need schools of 6, and need at least 125 gallon tanks as they grow over a foot long.