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convict cichlids

23 17:00:31

   i am looking at getting a pair of convict cichlids and putting them in thier own tank. i have a few Q's and am hoping you could answer them!
1. how many fry do they have?
2. do they eat the fry often?
3. how big should the tank be?
thank answer if you can!!!  

Dear Desi,
Convict cichlids really require no special requirements and are among the easiest fish to breed. Starting with a pair will be easy, a 25 gallon aquarium is best for a breeding pair. Be sure you are prepared to deal with the many extra fry

Question 1- Answer-
Spawning size varies, but typically numbers in the hundreds.Convicts can begin spawning at 1 inch! First time females may lay about 100 eggs but as they grow larger spawn size usually numbers in 200 and possibly even more.

Question 2- Answer-
A convict pair will aggressive defend their eggs and fry, they rarely eat them and perhaps only by          if they are trying to protect them. Convicts are so devoted to their spawn they often protect their brood from their keeper!

Convicts often a wonderful fish to breed, but knowing what to do with the babies can be a problem. Asking your petstore is a option you may want to consider.

There is basically no trouble to raising and keeping Convicts. Water changes of course will provoke spawning as will a good and complete diet. The fry will hatch after 2-3 days and will live off their yolk sac reserves for 3-4 days and then they will become free swimming in which they can be fed microworms, newly hatched or frozen baby brine shrimp, and you can try finely powdered flake and prepared powdered baby fish food.

Best of luck! It's a joy to spawn fish and convicts especially, watching their parental care is facinating and very charming as well.

Happy holidays!