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compatible tropical fish for a 55 gal tank

23 17:00:31

i was wondering if you could give me a few examples of compatible fish for my 55 gal tank. my tank is already an established aquarium. my first choice would be african cichlids. however , i am up for any suggestions you could offer me.

Dear John,
Well, hmm... African cichlids would be an excellent idea because you can't go wrong with the beauty and interesting behavior African cichlids offer. But then there are many other options you can take. Here are several stocking schemes adapted from my favorite fishkeeping book "The simple guide to Freshwater aquariums" by David E. Boruchowitz

(Note: The numbers of fish on every one of these schemes are intended for 55gal aquariums)

Stocking Scheme 1- ~A typical community tank~
First the aquarium is cycled with 5 Platies but since your tank is established already there is no need to worry about it- After the platies 6-8 Danios of any species join the platies, they can be Zebra, leopard, or for a awesome affect, Giant danios can be used.
Next, Lemon tetras are added, 6 of them make a lovely display and contrast nicely with the other fish. These beauties are often pale in the store, but dont be fooled, when you bring them home and get them settle in they truly live up to their name and almost glow with a lemony yellow and a half red eye.
Finally 6 Serpae Tetras make the third school in this scheme.
To finish off the 'typical community' 6 Corydoras catfish will make the lower levels of this aquarium their home and provide the added plus of cleaning up any leftovers in the aquarium. Although cories should still be fed sinking foods just like any other fish.

Stocking scheme 2- ~Fish that are a bit larger~
Provided the aquarium is established, 2 pairs of Blue gouramis are added. Make sure you actually get true pairs (one male and one female) or simply ask for all females to keep peace in the aquarium. In telling males from females it is very easy, look at their dorsal fins, in the male is is long and pointed and in the female her dorsal fin is neatly rounded and short.
Next, the Gouramis are joined by 4 Swordtails of any color type. And next 8 Rosy barbs. I have a school of these sparkling beauties and they are a very worthwhile addition, very active and males show a rich rosy red while the females tend to be duller but they contrast nicely with each-other. There is also a long finned variety of rosy barb that could rival a betta in appearance.

Stocking scheme 3 ~From deepest Africa~
This community allows the aquarist to keep and enjoy cichlids without having their aquarium destroyed by the gravel digging and plant uprooting that most other cichlids are famous for.
The small cichlid known as the Krib or Kribensis males an acceptable community resident. 2 Pairs.
It's best to setup this tank with the kribs in mind. They do like to have a cave and hiding places like most cichlids. Half a coconut shell  with a notch for an entrance or a notched clay flower pot both make acceptable caves and if it is to their liking, it will surely become a spawning cave as well. With more than 1 pair, be sure to have more spawning caves to minimize fighting.
The one problem with this stocking scheme is you may have to do some hunting around for the mentioned fish.  Or you may have to order them. The kribensis share their tank with 12 One-lined African tetra (Nannaethiops Unitaeniatus)
Lastly, the unique residents of this aquarium biotope ends with 6 Upside down catfish. This truly oddbal fish lives up to it's name by swimming upside down and they are even more comical to watch in groups so six is a great number to keep them in and completes this stocking scheme.

Stocking scheme 4 ~Barbs, Barbs, Barbs~
Many barbs are nippy, but this can easily managed if they are kept in large enough schools. The many interesting and colorful species of barbs available in petstores allow to disignate an entire tank to several of the interesting species.
The first fish added are 10 Cherry barbs. These are small but unique little peaceful barbs that are always pretty but during spawning time, the male turns a rich velvety cherry red which  counterpoints with the females' tan, black and cream colors.
Next, Slowly build up two more schools of barbs.
Eight Black ruby barbs and 10 Tiger barbs completes this colorful and lively display.

Stocking scheme 5- ~A Tetrad of Tetras~
Tetras are among the most popular of aquarium species and this grouping creates an impressive display with four beautiful and universally available species of new world tetras. Of course, all of these fish mature no more than 2 inches.
Provided the aquarium is cycled as always, 10 Black neons are added. When healthy and settled in, these fish simply glow. Next, 10       fin tetras tetras are added. A school of these is a very pretty sight.
The second school of fish added are 10 Glowlight tetras, again in petstores like the lemon tetras they often appear dull but when settled in a ideally planted aquarium they live true to their name with a bold florescent stripe that glows a neon bronzy red.
Finally these grouping is complete with 10 Serpae tetras which have a very beautiful red coloration.

Stocking scheme 6- ~Another tetrad of tetras~
These tetras are a bit larger and may be a consideration for you given your large tank size. Here they are-
Choose a group of six of each of the three species mentioned here for a 55gal tank setup-
*Buenos Aires Tetras-  a Large fish with flashy iridescences they are active schoolers and are a much larger tetra.
*Bleeding Heart Tetras- these are some of my favorites. When in good health Bleeding hearts glow purple with plenty of metallic iridescences and the red spot on their chest gives them both their latin and common name
*Diamond tetras- true to their name these fish appear to be sprinkled with diamonds that flash and sparkle whenever this fish swims around in the light. They truly sparkle like gemstones.

Stocking 7- ~ A triad of Trichogaster~
the genus Trichogaster contains three popular favorites of the Gourami family.
1 Pair of Blue gouramis
1 Pair of Moonlight gouramis
1 Pair of Pearl Gouramis...
A good way to avoid some aggression issues that could spring up with gouramis is to buy the Blue and the Moonlight gourami pair at a small size and considerably smaller than the pearls. The two species will eventually outsize the Pearl but by then there should be a peace established. If you like, a school of corydoras catfish could provide some interesting movement on the bottom levels of the aquarium since Gouramis typically like to remain near the surface.

Stocking Scheme 8- ~Just catfish~
As the name says, these grouping is all catfish.
A school of Corydoras is added to start this grouping,
Next 1 or 2 Bristle nose plecostomas or 'Ancistrus' catfish can be added. These are my favorite plecostomas and they are excellent algae eaters as well, also a plus is they won't outgrow your aquarium. Staying a nice size of 4 to maybe 6 inches at most.
A small and peaceful but not consistantly stocking catfish that is next in this grouping is called Pareutropius Debauqi
If you should ever find these small and peaceful striped species, they provide provide action in the mid section of the aquarium
Next 5 Upside down Catfish and..
Finally 4 Glass catfish with their ghostly appearance completes this grouping.

There are also species tank schemes which would provide a truly unique and beautiful display and certain is best for many of the schooling species for they can be kept in a 'real shoal' where they can truly display natural coloration and behaviors some of these schooling species for a 55gal species tank are-
*Neon tetras are perfect for a species tank. Because of their small size and timidness they often get picked on or eaten by other fish. So the ideal solution here is a species tank. Nothing is more beautiful than a tank full of these sparkling gems. In a 55gal- 40 neons makes a school.
*Congo tetras, truly beautiful fish perfectly describes these tetras in a 55gal, 20 will do.
*Rainbow fish are all very colorful.
8-10 Red Rainbowfish suits a 55gal gal. Other possible choices are Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish which are true to their name and make a fantastic display. A 55gal can house 20.

-Other options are Tiger barbs
55gal- Two dozen (24) Tigers are suitable
Platies- (15 pairs)
Guppies- 35-40 these can be pairs or all males. I would opt for the males simply because a tank of all males prevents the problem of having too many babies as guppies are famous for.

Well, I hope this helps you out with your tank stocking ideas. If you would like anymore info, feel free to write again.

Best wishes Happy holidays!