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55 and 37

23 15:42:51

I have a 55 gallon cycling right now, my girlfriend wants a jack dempsey and i want a texas cichlid, if both fish were introduced together as juveniles would they be compatible? i also have a 37 gallon cube and was wondering if I could do a blood parrot with a handful of cory cats? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Hi Bradley;

Dempseys and Texas cichlids may do okay together. Starting both as juveniles gives you the best chance. Provide plenty of hiding places in the form of rock caves and other structure.

A 37 gallon for a parrot won't sustain him long term. It's okay for a couple of years but they need more such as a 55 or larger. A group of five or more cories would be a good mix with your parrot.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins