Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > what bottom feeder do i want?

what bottom feeder do i want?

25 9:09:43

hiya i need help with my tank. i have jusrt strated and in it i have
six zebra danios and five live plants, more rocks aswell. next i am
going to get three felmale dawf gournarmis. but the bottem of the
tank is getting filled with spare food. should i get a bottem feeder
who will clean up this mess? if so whta one should i get? please

Hi Katy;

Oops! You don't need a bottom feeder, you need to cut back on food. There should NEVER be food buildup on the bottom. Clean it out with a gravel vacuum right away along with a 25% water change. A bottom feeding fish can't eat a rotting mess like old food anyway. It would kill him. It's going to make the other fish sick eventually too.

Your tank may still be in the break-in period too so here are some great links on that as well as a couple of feeding guidelines pages;

Once the old food is cleaned up I can advise on what would be good to add to your tank, but I need more information about it so I can suggest something;

What size tank is it?
How long has it been set up?
Does the tank have a heater?
What is the water temperature?
What kind of filter system?

Let me know as soon as you can......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins