Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Dalmation Mollie fry

Dalmation Mollie fry

23 16:39:47

QUESTION: Hi! I've just boughtvthree dalmation mollie fry only a couple days old, only to realize that i dont actually know how to take care of them id really like for them to survive so any help would gladly be excepted thanks

ANSWER: Hi Lindsey
I'm guessing you have them in a filtered tank?  You'll want to make sure the filter intake tube is covered.  I use a filter media mesh bag(found in the filter media section at the pet stores), a pair of pantyhose/nylons(the foot/leg part), or a filter sponge would work.  That way they won't get sucked into the filter.

You need to make sure the water quality is excellent.  Fry are really susceptible to that.  Ammonia, and nitrites at 0 ppm, and nitrates under 20 ppm.  

For food, I fed my fry either flake food crushed almost to a powder, and frozen(and thawed in a small bowl of tank water) baby brine shrimp.  

That's about all I can think of really, good water quality, small enough food for them to eat, and the filter intake tube.  

Good luck with them and let me know if you have more questions.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: k thanks but also what im worried about is that they could get eaten by the three platies i have in the tank would a breeding box be ok?

If they're small enough, then yes the platies could eat them.  I would get a breeders net instead of the plastic box one.  I don't think the plastic ones allow enough water to filter through it.  If you're in the US, Walmart usually sells the nets for about 5.00.  Then as soon as they're big enough to not fit in the platy's mouth, you can add them to the tank.
