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pregnant iridescent shark

23 15:26:18

We have just bought a iridescent shark that looks like she is pregnant we just have a few questions we have never had a shark be pregnant just a molly. So the questions are how many babies can an iridescent shark produce? Is it like Mollies where once they are pregnant they will produce every 30 days or not? Also, How long does the mommy shark have to be in with their babies or does she have be removed when she is done having the babies or does she stay with babies for a certain period of time?

Hi Holly,
That's actually quite rare for iridescent sharks to be pregnant in the home aquarium. They are of course egglayer's and do not have to live fry like mollies do. Iridescent sharks are very difficult to breed in the home aquarium. Yours may or may not have eggs but most likely not. Usually they have to be of quite a large size before they can breed. She may just be fat and well fed. Which is a good thing because these fish are often not in good condition in the home aquarium.

Regardless, when given good care this species can grow into a beautiful specimen, quite large in fact some can reach up to 12 inches or larger!

I recommend you do a little research to read more up on this fascinating species. And of course feel free to ask any follow up questions if you need more info.

I really hope this helps and best of luck!