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Green severums

23 15:26:18

Hi Susan,

I sent you a question earlier and you have great information! I told you about my green severums that have recently spawned. I have another question for you if that's okay?

I'm a bit worried because the female is getting really close to the eggs, almost like she is going to lie on them but then slowly moves away. she does this every couple of minutes, the problem is because she is getting so close to them she is fanning the eggs and some are dropping off of the log. Is this a normal behavior? Is there anything I can do to stop her getting so close besides moving the eggs? She is also eating the unfertilized eggs but leaving the fertile ones which I think is pretty cool! (-:

Thanks for all you're advice!

Hello Lana!!
I'm more than happy to anwer more questions! Its what I'm here for. :-)

The fanning behavior is a good sign! Good cichlid parents know to regularly fan their eggs to keep them clean and well oxygenated. Unfortunately some will fall off but that's okay, those eggs will often still hatch. I'm glad to hear she is carefully picking the unfertile eggs out from the good ones. This prevents fungal growths from developing on bad eggs which would spread to the good ones. Something we definitely don't want!

I would leave the momma severum to her duties. Moving the eggs would likely upset her and you might get bitten! : )

Observing cichlid parents tend to their brood is one of the most entertaining and fascinating things in the fishkeeping hobby.
I hope all goes well and best of luck!