Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > yoyo loach and white dots

yoyo loach and white dots

23 16:30:17

QUESTION: I bought 2 yoyo loach 2 weeks ago and are doing fine. Now I noticed the fish
is hiding at the bottom of the corner and has white spot all over it. It doesn't
look like ick because the dots are larger than that. There are other fishes
(Gouramis, catfish, tetra, danio) that are fine. The white dots are all over the
body and fins. It is stationary for a long period of time hiding in the corner.
How can I cure it?


ANSWER: What do the white spots look like. Are they fuzzy, slimy... this could be a number of things and without more information it's difficult to make a suggestion. I will say any fish that digs in the rocks is prone to Ich because that's where it lives. Loaches are also very particular fish. How often do you change the water and what are your water levels? For starters I would recommend changing as much water as possible and treating it with a healing water conditioner. Loaches really should have a 25% water change no more than every two days on top of regular cleaning. Get back to me with more details on the spots so I can determine if it's fungal or bacterial if not parasites.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: These are like white little spots or bumps attach to the skin and fins of the
yoyo loach . I have change 25 of the water 2 weeks ago. Today they are
swimming vertically and stationary near the top of the tank for a long period
of time (30 min). The dots don't look fuzzy. They look like little white bumps
all over them. . So far all my other fishes are not affect by this. I'll change 25
of the water for now.
Tom C.

What are the levels in your tank??? Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, etc... These levels are very important to fish health and if they're off, could have caused this problem. It will continue to cause this problem without a strict maint. regimen. Again, I suggest doing a thorough cleaning, changing as much water as possible.
White bumps... There are many types of white bumps. Does this description fit? Or do you have a picture???

Looks a lot like ich but velvet shows up as smaller yellow or gray dusty spots on the fish. Tropical fish with velvet will have rapid gill movement and may be rubbing on surfaces in the tank.

Let me know?