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ichy loach

23 16:51:52

i have a 90 gallon tank with a strength of 20 fishs namely angels, barbs,guppies and loaches.
i have 4 loaches and all of then are suffering with ich.
i read a quite a few articles and now i am confused and i decided to write to you.
what should i do to treat ich on my loaches?

ANSWER: Sorry to hear about your tank.  You're going to need to medicate your tank.  I would use a combination of Melafix and Pimafix, available at your local fish store.  Treat for 5 days, then do a 25% water change.  On a 90 gallon tank, its going to cost some, but it'll be worth it to have your fish up and running.  Ich is a water-born parasite, that can ONLY be killed at a certain stage of its life.  The Melafix will take care of that.  You can also get some Ick-Guard, made by Jungle, to work in conjunction, and it costs a bit less.  I'd still use the Melafix though, it'll help cure any injuries and sores.  Write me after 5 days of this, and tell me your results.  I'll be waiting.  Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you so much for ur prompt reply.what should be the ration of medicine to be used.

Honestly, I've never medicated a tank that big.  Ideally, you'd want to medicate in a smaller tank, that way you don't use as much medication.  If you want to medicate the big tank, you're going to have to follow the bottle, 5ml per 10 gallons.  That gets expensive quick.  You may be better off buying a small 10 gallon with a cheap filter.  Please remember to remove carbon filter, otherwise the medication will be neutralized.  Just follow the bottle.  Good luck