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baby mollies and mom

23 15:54:37

My mom mollie has just recently had babies...We waited and waited to see it happen however we missed it and found only 3 babies hiding in the rocks and plants...Mom still looked really fat and about 2 weeks later we found 2 more fish alot smaller than the previous 3 (obviously just born 2 weeks after) Mom still looks fat..Are there more on the way???how many should she give birth to and we separated the babies into a nursery of there own so that they won't be eaten when can they be let out?? I am really confused about the delivery of 3  then the wait and re delivery of 2 more how long can she do this???? Thank you for your time in reading this question...

Hi Natalie,

Mollies are known for their prolific breeding. The can give birth as frequent as once every couple weeks to a month! Chances are, she's still pregnant, and will give birth soon. Sometimes, depending on conditions, she can take a week to release ALL of the babies.

There's a good chance that during the first batch she gave birth to 5 babies, but you only found 3. The two that were not found may have been malnourished, living off the micro-organisms on plants, therefore they were a smaller size.

I can guarantee you that there's more babies on the way - congratulations!

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!