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23 16:19:51

I have a gold mystery snail.
Today it floated up to the top of the water and it was hiding in it's shell at the same time but it is still alive!
Also it did the same thing but this time it was sucked up by filter, the sucking water part. The flilter did not suck the snail. in side the filter.
Why did floating happen?
It lives in a 5.5 gallon tank with filter, heater, and light.

Hi Samuel,
For some reason, snails do this on occasion. It doesn't mean anything is wrong. They may have a lot of air in their lungs which logically would makes them float more.

You can tell if the snail is dead by picking him up and touching the 'door' which they use to seal themselves up in their shell. Dead snails are also very loose in their shell.

Best wishes! Have a good weekend!