Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > nitrtite


23 16:28:29

I am starting up an aquarium, it has been running for almost 2 weeks and has no fish in. I have accurately tested the water using a chemical test kit. The ammonia level is not dangerously high and yet the nitrite is out of the safe zone.
I have used dechlorinators and a bacteria booster for the filters since day one and it is my understanding that without fish to produce ammonia, which would be converted into nitrite, there should be no nitrite.
Can you tell me where the nitrite comes from when a tank has no fish in it.
Kind regards.

It is really hard to determine how that happens as it has puszzled me as well. I can't tell you why. But I can tell you that if you do about a 20% water change it should help get rid of that problem. Good Luck and I'm sorry I couldn't answer your original question.