Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ick in my fish tank

ick in my fish tank

25 9:15:39

I am having a hard time getting rid of ick. The medicine says to dicontinue carbon filtration but I'm worried about the fish not getting enough oxygen. Will this hurt the fish if I turn it off. I also have a bubble stone in with them.

Thank you

Hi Alisa;

Don't turn the filter off. Take the cartridge or pad out. You can replace it back in the filter after the treatment is over, or just use a new one.

To help the fish fight off the ich, raise the water temperature up to 82 or 85. Also add aquarium salt at a rate of one teaspoon per gallon of water. Ich hates heat and hates salt. Keep using the medicine too. Use the medicine for 7 to 10 days no matter what the label says. (unless you are using coppersafe or another copper product.)

If the parasite still doesn't go away contact me again and let me know what size tank it is, what kind of fish you have, how many, how long the tank has been set up, etc.... I might have some ideas on what else you can do.

I hope they feel better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins