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Blood parrot getting black spots

23 15:22:27

Hello- I was hoping you can help me. Recently one of my blood parrots has started to get some black spots on his belly, fins and around his mouth, he seems to be eating fine and following my other BP around. I also have 5 angels in with them- which they have been just fine together for the past year and a half. I have fought with my nitrites and nitrates for the past year and I checked my water yesterday, and it seems to be in safe limits- it seems my nitrates are always on the high side- but they seem to be ok. I know I could do a major gravel cleaning, but just havent gotten around to it. Just wasnt sure about this blood parrot with the black spots. I read it could be poor water quality or possibly getting ready for breeding- if you can help me that would be awesome!!! I will keep doing water changes in hope this will help.

Hi Kelli,
Good idea on the water changes! Black spots or patches on parrot fish can be stress related... And since your nitrites and nitrates are high this is almost surely your answer here. It can be coloration developing simply from growth or moods too but the cause right now is very obvious.

But definitely do a thorough gravel vacuuming. Try a 50% water change with gravel vacuuming and check your nitrates and nitrites after. You really shouldn't be having problems with high nitrates unless you have a polluted gravel bed as a constant source or the tank simply needs more frequent water changes.

This should be a simple fix thank goodness. Let me know if you have anymore questions!
Good luck,