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Horse faced Loach

23 16:43:45

QUESTION: Maggie my Horse faced Loach is really aggressive, I was told they are friendly  so I brought two One Ralph is really sweet and gets along with everyone, but Maggie is so bad. First she was in my big tank with my koi, shubunkins and goldies but she wouldn't leave them alone so I put he in my smaller tank with my young Orandas and all was good for a couple of months. But now She is back to her old tricks again and going for the other fish if they go near her boat or the rocks. She has not marked the fish but I worry she could damage them. I feel guilty at the thought of putting her into a tank on her own but I don't know what else I can do. Please help as I do love her.

ANSWER: I cannot count how many times I have gotten a so called peaceful fish and it turned out to be a great fish but not very peaceful, I feel your dilemma. Honestly there is not much you can do as in reference to her aggressiveness and it may indeed stress your goldfish and in turn making them prone to disease, or she may not. Is it worth the risk? Probably not, in my opinion. I would guess more than likely she will eventually stress the goldfish enough and they will either die or stress or die of a disease brought on by stress. I know you feel bad about the idea of giving her, her own tank but that is just about the only option. Unless you plan on risking her being in the big tank or want to take her back, a tank all her own is just about the best thing. Now, does or did she bother fish of her own kind, like Ralph? If not, than you could simply put another or put Ralph in the seperate tank for just the loaches. I use to have two clown loaches but they were really aggressive eaters and would not let anyone else get any food, so I had to take them back to the store. Loaches are beautiful and happy little fish but sometimes they can be unpredictable. Some will be nice, others nice until feeding time, and others just plain mean. A tank for just her and hopefully her own kind, if she doesnt bother them, would seriously make her more happy than you imagine. She is wanting to claim her territory and feels consistantly threatened by the other fish where she is now. A tank just for her would give her a place she could call her home and not have the constant feeling of fighting for her home. If she doesn't do well with her own kind let me know and I will do some research and find another option so she is not entirely by herself, although it would not be a bad thing. Let me know if you have more questions. I hope I helped you. She sounds like a great fish just alittle tempermental sometimes, perhaps thats why she is so great :-)
         Rachel A.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your helpful answer I think I will need to move Maggie quite quickly as you predicted my little Oranda Bart is showing signs of fin rot. The tank is always kept clean it has an under gravel filter an has a 25% water change weekly. Could this be down to stress through Maggies behavior.

Yes it very well could be due to tempermental Maggie. Be sure to treat the fish, preferably in a hospital tank, if not treat anyways and watch all remaining fish including Maggie. Fin rot is a fungus and can spread fast if not contained and/or treated. Just get a fungal remedy at the local store and follow all directions including water change requirements. I hope you Oranda makes it through. In my experience goldfish dont have good recovery rates when they acquire a disease or parasite. I hope yours and the rest of the fish make it out great. Let me know if you need more help.
         Rachel A.