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Pain in the A$$ algae

25 9:15:47

I have had this algae problem for quite awhile now. I've tried every trick I know and many of other peoples cures with no luck. I have gotten this bad case of green and brown algae in my tank. It grows on everything, rocks filter heater ect. There is one pattern I have noticed with it though. The green algae resides more to the top of the tank where there is more light and the brown near the bottom of the tank. I've checked for phospiate and have gotten clear ratings. Though years of experience, i've read why all algae grows and the chemsetry behind it but none of the things have worked. I know that algae needs 3 things to live. Water, light and nutrients. I've eliminated a combo of them at one time with no luck. I've done the daily water change treatment with no light. Please help me with the terrible problem. Here is everything you will need to know about my tank.

36 gallon Cichlid tank with a general assortment of general basic cichlids. There are one pleco and 2 loaches add in.

ph. 7.8-8.2
ammonia. almost 0
Nitrate. >30
Nitrite. 0
The tank is established for about 2 years now.
There is about 2 watts per gallon of light. Light is on about 6 hours a day.
Filtration is from 1 Aquaclear 150 and 1 Aquaclear 200 power filter.
About 76 degrees F.

Thanks for your time and help

Dear Jack,
Sorry to hear about your Algae problems.
I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I've cured every bad algae case (severe) with daily 50% or larger water changes. I was once given an 30 gallon aquarium with an 6 inch Oscar and the water was pea-soup green. Despite the aquarium being directly in front of a window I changed 50% every day and kept the light off somewhat and within 4 days, the aquarium was crystal clear and stayed crystal clear from then on. Trust me, water changes are the solution, large ones are essential and daily is a must!

Your nitrates are rather high. You should try to aim for below 20 actually--this means more water changes. High nitrates are a big cause of green and brown algae.

Trust me, if the daily 50-75% or larger water changes don't work within a WEEK. Let me know.

*Remember to always make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your cichlid aquarium and always dechlorinate it.

Best wishes and good luck!