Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Beta female laid eggs w/out male... how long are they viable?

Beta female laid eggs w/out male... how long are they viable?

23 15:54:23

Female Beta fish just laid some eggs without a male present.  If i run out and buy a male tomorrow, will he fertilize and build nest?  or is it too late?  thanks!

Hi Brad;

I retrieved your question from the question pool...

Female fish sometimes lay eggs without a male and it's actually a relief to her. You've probably discovered by now that it's too late for her first batch to be fertilized though. The parents have to court each other and he has to have a nest prepared. Your Betta male and female can't live together all the time. They have to be conditioned separately and once she lays eggs the male will want her out of there and could kill her to accomplish that. Condition both fish for at least 2 weeks so she will develop eggs inside her again. To condition them, keep them separated and feed good high protein foods such as shrimp and worms. Once she shows signs of readiness (vertical dark bars on her body, swollen belly and breeding tube extended) you can let them see each other, but not in the same tank yet. Just put their tanks close so he will begin building his nest.

Here are good web pages about the whole process and how to set them up for success;,%20Breeding%20basics.htm

Good luck and have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins