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panda corydoras

23 15:54:23


I just bought 3 longfin panda corydoras from a Pet store near me a few days ago, and they had been kept with paradise fish. I didnt notice until i got home, but one of them has been nipped at really badly, his dorsal fin is basically a stump and his tail is extremely tattered.

The other 2 are have damage as well, but not as much as the first one. they are in a very lovely tank with only platies and other cordydoras, and i was wondering if they would get better? I have read panda corydoras are very sensitive.

Kind Regards,


Hi Georgina,
Its true panda corydoras can be a bit sensitive to pollutions in the water so simply make sure that the aquarium get plenty of frequent partial water changes at least twice a week to help prevent infections getting into the fin caused by dirty water.

Make sure they are getting plenty to eat every day as well. As you probably know, cories really love frozen worms and brine shrimp to supplement their sinking dry foods.

The fins will grow back with time. Though they may not be to their full splendor as they use to be. Any fish with long trailing fins makes them highly prone to damage even from simply swimming around plastic plants that may snag their delicate fins.

Quite an interesting find by the way! Longfin panda cories!? I bet they are lovely.

I hope this helps!!