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Goldfish and Platys

23 16:29:58

Hi! I was wondering something recently. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with two orange and black platys (Harry and Ginny) and a Golden Ancistriss (spelling?) algae-eater (Hagrid, as he's the Keeper of the Grounds). I did have four mollies, but they've long since died and been removed from the tank. Now that it's just Harry, Ginny and Hagrid in the 10 gallon tank, I was wondering if it would be safe to add one or two fantail goldfish? If not, I have a 6.5 liter tank available, so would Harry and Ginny be okay to live in that tank, should they not be compatible with Fantail Goldfish? I'm not worried about anyone messing with Hagrid, because he tends to hide behind the water filter most of the time, only coming out to eat when the lights are off. Harry, Ginny and Hagrid are all very healthy and their colors are very vibrant, as well as having great appetites, so I was just thinking that maybe we could stand to have a new friend or two in the tank. Thanks in advance for your thoughts! :D

Hi Lily,
I love how you named all your fish after the characters from the Harry Potter Series!!! :)

Platys might be OK with Fantail goldfish. But platies would probably prefer a bit warmer temps than what goldfish do best in. Another possible problem might be the platys (being such foragers as they are) may pick on the slime coating of the bigger and slower fantail goldfish.
The 6.5 litre tank is quite small but if you kept up with weekly or better yet twice weekly water changes and had some live plants such as java moss then it would probably be ok. But I would try to upgrade to at least a 2 gallon if possible.

Two fantails would be fine in a 10-gallon until they grew enough to need more room. Eventually they would be best in a 20-30 gallon when they outgrow the 10gal.

Or your 10-gallon tank could handle a few more platies or a few other peaceful small fish. Danios, tetras, barbs are all compatible. Bottom dwellers such as Corydoras are great tankmates too. Hatchet fish are also compatible with platies. Most general community fish are compatible with platies.

Just be careful not to overstock. Here's a link to some stocking suggestions for 10-gallon aquariums...

Copy and paste this entire link into your search box..

Best wishes and I hope this helps!