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New Filter - cloudy water

23 16:07:39

Hi, I have my betta fish in a 2.5 gallon tank. I recently decided to add a small appropriate sized Whisper filter to the tank and the day after the water was so cloudy I couldn't see all the way through looking from the side of the tank.  I want to make sure the fish is fine and determine if this is normal and will clear itself up.  What should I do?

Hi Wendi
Very odd. How long has the tank been setup? If its only been a few days or a week or so then the tank might just be going through a bacterial bloom, which happens when nutrient levels are out of balance and the beneficial bacteria need time to establish and get the tank balanced again, which can take about 3-4 or perhaps even 6 weeks. During this time you can help it by doing 30-50% water changes on your betta tank every- to every other day. With time it will resolve itself but water changes help it along.

If the cloudiness started just after the filter then I wonder if its carbon dust clouding the tank? If you didn't rinse the whisper cartridge thoroughly, dust will be washed away and cloud your tank quite thickly. Water changes will help this version of cloudy water as well.

I hope this helps and best of luck!