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probs wit fish

23 16:47:40

QUESTION: long list please help with any thing you can first my bala sharks fins are turning from clear to red and i just started treating them for ick and doesn't even look like it is working it is just getting worse next my oscars (in same tank as balas) seem to be getting more aggressive but not towards each other but to my balas and to my new fish polypertus which really pisses me off because i just found one in their mouth and i have seem hundreds i tanks wit oscars and my polypertus are bigger then the oscars mouth (but apparently not) :{ and last but not least my polypertus is turning red. what is going on?
ANSWER: I need some more information to help you.  How big is the tank?  How many total fish?  How big are the fish? Let me know and I'll answer as best as I can

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the tank is about 3 feet long,1 foot wide and 1 1/2 deep
but soon to a 3 feet long,1 foot wide and 2 deep tank but later when fish get bigger a 500 gallon will be waiting but any way i have 2 oscars about 4inches and 4 bala sharks about 3inches

As Oscars get older, they become more aggressive.  Its their nature.  They will attack any intruders into their territories, including the bala sharks.  My theory is that the Oscars are chasing your balas, which is stressing them out.  When fish are stressed, their immune system is unable to help fight off disease, which is likely the cause of your reddening fins.  What sort of ich treatment are you using?  For the red fins, I would use a Melafix and Pimafix combination to treat for 7 days.  The red fins can be a sign of a fungal infection, which the Pimafix will treat.  Also, aquarium salt will help with your ich problem.  It also reduces fish stress, and allows them to better fight infection.  You also need to separate the fish.  Oscars should be moved to the 500 gallon immediately.  This will give them more than enough space to grow, and they won't cross paths very often.  The balas should be fine for now in the 30 gallon tank.  Let me know if this helps.