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malawi cichlids and puffer fish

23 16:57:56

75 gal tank/emperor filter/lots of malawi cichlids. This tank is many years old. cichlids died off two years ago, restocked it 2mths ago. Use cichlid salt, coral substrate. Now the question: Just added 5 small puffer fish to the group (got them for 2.99 apiece-couldn't resist. Do not know what they eat or how to get the food to them since the cichlids are such pigs. Presently, I feed the fish flaked food, sinking mixed wafers for bottom feeders, hikari cichlid food, frozen mosquito larvae, frozen brine shrimp,freeze dried tubifax worms-last three are treats. Has been suggested that puffers eat snails. Don't have any, don't know how to get any and don't know how to raise them for food. Am willing but ignorant. Any suggestions would help. Thanks for your help, appreciate it.

Puffers are Brackish fish, which is not the same environment as African.  Also, when the puffers are older they will take bites out of your Africans and each other.  They should be in there own tank.  If you want to feed snails, you can get pond snails free from your LFS.  They are pests and reproduce like mad.  Put a few in a jar of tank water, feed them and keep the water clean and you will have more snails then you know what to do with.