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my breeding oscars.

23 17:03:15

i have a albino oscar and a tiger red oscar. they had babies that were wiggling around, they were gaurding over them and gathering them up with there mouths and putting them back in the area they were born. Now they are swiming around and not caring for the babies. what do i do to make the fry survive? i read they have a sac on witch they can feed off of for 3 to 4 days then what? Do i take them out? thanks for your time...

Hi Levon;

Congratulations! Oscars are great fish.

Feed the babies crunched up fish food flakes several times a day. If the parents get a little protective of their 'kids' when you go near the tank and the babies still seem to stick close, they may be still be okay with them. If they aren't acting protective, you could move the babies to another tank of their own. Otherwise, the parents may begin eating the babies soon.

Make lots of water changes in the baby tank and feed several times a day. They grow fast so they might get too big for their new tank very quickly. Hopefully you can find new homes for them or your local fish store might be interested.

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins