Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Too acidic, too much ammonia and not cycling

Too acidic, too much ammonia and not cycling

23 15:45:06

QUESTION: Hi, I have a 29g high and when I first started the tank I made the mistake of putting in too many fishes. As a result, most of them died, and the only ones that survived after a month are my Red Tail Shark, who has grown from 3 inches to about 4.5, and my Veil Angelfish, who has grown from the size of a quarter to the size of my palm.

I have had those two fishes for almost 3 months now and have not added any new fishes since the tank is not cycled and I don't want them or the new fish to die. The tank ammonia always reads between 4.0-8.0 and it has been that way for the past 3 months. I talked to the local petland and they said to wait. I have also been using Seachem Prime conditioner when I change my water.

Recently, I believe I found the solution to high ammonia. I think I have been overfeeding them as the aquarium ornaments(aquarium not planted) has brown and red stuff on it. I took all of them out yesterday and cleaned them to the best of my abilities, but there is still some left. Is this the reason my tank is not cycling? because of overfeeding?

Also, I have had good pH, from 6.8-7.0, for the past 3 months but for the last few of days, the pH is at 6.0. I did a 50% water change when I cleaned the ornaments and it is a day after that, and my water conditions are the same. pH: 6.0, ammonia: 6.0-8.0.

I need help reducing the ammonia, getting the pH to 7.0 and cycling the tank.

My Red Tail Shark also seems to have lost its appetite ever since the water got acidic. But I'm not sure if this behavioral change is due to the angelfish chasing it for a while, which was the opposite before. But the angel is bigger now, and the Red Tail doesn't chase it around as much.

ANSWER: Dear Wasif,
1. Lower pH below 7.0
2. 25 - 50% water change
3. Use chemical to neutralize ammonia
4. Discontinue or reduce feeding
If the ammonia level rises above 1 ppm as measured by a standard test kit, begin treatment immediately. Lowering the pH of the water will provide immediate relief, as will a 50% water change (be sure to use water that is the same temperature as the aquarium). Several water changes within a short period of time may be required to drop the ammonia to below 1 ppm.
If the fish are in severe distress, the use of a chemical to neutralize the ammonia is recommended. Feedings should be restricted so that additional waste is reduced. In cases of very high ammonia levels, feedings should be discontinued for several days. No new fish should be added until the tank until the ammonia and nitrite levels have fallen to zero.
Because ammonia toxicity is linked to the pH, testing of both ammonia and pH levels are critical. Ammonia becomes increasingly toxic as the pH rises above 7.0. Because there are so many variables, there is no magic number to watch for. However, there are general guidelines to follow.
At a level of level of 1 ppm or 1 mg/l, fish are under stress, even if they don't appear in acute distress. Levels even lower than that can be fatal if the fish are exposed continuously for several days. For that reason it is critical to continue daily testing and treatment until the ammonia drops to zero. When ammonia is elevated for a long period, it is not unusual to lose fish even after the ammonia levels start to drop.
* For further detail email or contact me * or, Cell. No. +91 9434146179 or 00919434146179

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Also, I found green algae on the light. I scrubbed it off today. My water level kept going down every 2-3 days. Could this have been the reason and is it also affecting my water chemistry. I also noticed water build up on the light and it was pouring back into my tank water by the sides of my tank.

Thank you.

The Green Algae is caused by the direct sunlight on the tank or putting the lights ON for more than maximum 6 hours. Be cautious, the problem will gone ! For the water, if the level of water going down, again give water as per need and check the pump and filter, if they are the cause of it. Thanks. Good Luck.
* For further detail email or contact me * or, Cell. No. +91 9434146179 or 00919434146179