Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ph too high

ph too high

23 16:04:17

i was given a small 3.5 aquarium for my desk.  the bottled water was treated with the kit nuturalizer, a little salt and seemed ok.  i put in guppies and washed glass rocks.  now i can't get the water to the right ph.  evertime i test it, it is blue.  put in drops of ph down and still blue.  now what

Hello Dona,

Try just testing the water out of the bottle before you put it in the tank and see if the pH is too high, and if so try a different brand of water. That well make a big difference. Also If that seems fine then I would suggest using a Powder pH down treatment that you can find in most pet stores and the powder treatment seems to work pretty good.

If I can help you any further please let me know.

Mike M.