Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Marble Angelfish dorsal fin torn

Marble Angelfish dorsal fin torn

23 15:35:28

I have Had 2 marble Angelfish in a 30gal tank with 1 beta, 2 kissing gouramis, 4 black neon tetras and 1 guppy fry (acquired thru buying ghost shrimp, it tagged along lol) I have had these Angels for about 2 months. They have almost tripled in size since bringing them home. Both are very active and rule the tank, its an odd mix i know but they all get along. I have noticed that the 1 Angel has a rip starting directly down the middle of her dorsal fin. I know its not nipping because I watch them all the time (my fish tv) I have never noticed it before. I don't know if it will fix its self, I have go on the and there was no answer for this. I am at a loss. Please help!!!! Also, I do regular water changes of 30% everyweeek all my perimeters amonia, nitrate, and PH are very low to 0 or 6.6-7. I also have 1 TBSP of salt per every 5 gals. just fyi.

Hi Shannon,

Angelfish fin ripping is very common.  It should heal on its own, however if you notice any coloration to what should normally be a seethrough part of the fin, for instance if it turns white or cloudy, then treat the water with some salt and it should kill any bacteria which is forming in the wound.

Usually the fins rip, but heal fast.

It happens during fighting and aggression.

Good luck.  I really hope this helps.

PS- Your PH is good for angelfish, but could be a hair lower.
