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23 16:25:14

i have a 28g bowfaced tank with 5to7 guppies 1pleco. can i get an angle and or what fish can  i get

if i have fish in tank can i put an underfilter

what filter should i get i have the stock filter     
amina promble

Hi Mike
You should be able to add an angel fish to your set up.  The only problem I can foresee though, the guppies may get eaten by the angel fish, or picked on.  With your tank size you have lots of options for fish you can add.  Since you have guppies already, most any community tropical fish would fare well in there-other live bearers like mollies, platies, $ swordtails, tetras, rasboras, barbs, rainbowfish, danios, etc.  Here's a few links to look through some fish profiles to see what you like:

As for the undergravel filter, I personally don't like them.  THey tend to cause more problems, because they have the tendency to collect all the uneaten food and fish waste underneath the plates-making it difficult if not impossible to clean without completely breaking down the tank-which isn't recommend to do.  I would stick with the HOB filters, the ones that hang on the back of the tank, or even a canister filter instead.
