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parrotfish eggs

23 15:59:10

my red parrot fish just lays some eggs yesterday.  this morning i notice about 100 eggs were gone. i have others fish in the tank too beside the mother and the father fish. what should i do to keep the eggs safe?

Hi Vikki!
Wow! Congrats on the eggs! It's fascinating to hear that your Parrots have spawned. I wonder if the eggs will hatch? As you probably know, many parrot fish are "sterile".

There are two things you can try to do. The best thing would be to move the pair and their eggs into a tank of their own. If this isn't possible, you can either 1.) Try a divider in the tank (the other fish must be kept away!) or 2.) Take the eggs out and hatch them in a small aerated container that's kept warm and 'hand-raise' them yourself.

I'd prefer if the parents raised the fry as they usually turn out as better fish in most cases.

But hopefully not all the eggs have been eaten by now. Keep in mind the parent fish themselves may eat their own eggs if they feel threatened by the other fish or if they are inexperienced.

Best of luck!