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75 Community Tank

23 15:23:02

Hey, as I mentioned in the subject, I have a 75 gallon community tank. I try to have my biggest fish be about 3 inches. The fish in the tank are as follows: Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Assorted Fancy Guppies, 3 German Blue Rams, a few Dwarf Gouramis, and some Otocinclus Catfish. I have assorted shrimp and clams as invertebrates, and the tank is heavily planted. My question is, would it be alright to add a Crowntail Betta into the aquarium? None of the fish are fin nippers, and I think a Crowntail Betta would look awesome in there.

Hi Sam (We have the same name!!!)!

Well first of all, your tank's population is too big for you to add another fish. And a Betta is a fighting fish. It will attack other fish sometimes so I'd recommend you not to do that. I could picture in my head how beautiful a Crowntail would be in there but you just have too much fish. A bigger one ( 100-125 Gal.) would be better. If you have a tank/aquarium that size it would work, if you're alright with the shrimp and the guppies getting attacked sometimes (hopefully not).

Hope this helps!
P.S. Happy Chinese New Year!