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sluggish plecosomus

23 15:59:00

What could cause my plecosomus acting sluggish.  And he seems to loose some of his color

Your Plecostomus acting strange could be due to many different reasons, but the most common ones are: Inadequate nutrition, external environment factors, and possibly, although not likely, disease.

When did you get your Pleco? If it was under two weeks, then it may be sick from the store already. Did you acclimate (introduce) it to your tank properly? If yes, the problem may be in the food you feed it. Most tanks do not have enough algae to sustain a Pleco, especially a small tank. Plecos should have at least a 50+ gallon tank, unless it is a Bristlenose Pleco, or a dwarf variety. Common Plecostomus can grow up to 24" (two feet)!

Since most tanks do not have enough algae, it is necessary to feed the Plecostomus supplementary foods. Plecostomus are mainly herbivores, meaning they eat vegetable matter, as opposed to eating meat. Supplementing their diet with prepared algae wafers (available at your local fish store) will help make sure it does not starve. Also, Plecos will accept many vegetables, such as zucchini, lettuce, and brussels sprouts. Try feeding it one of those, and its color should return. Feeding a variety of food always enhances color in fish.

Is there room in your tank to provide hiding spots? The Pleco might be losing color and acting tired because it is uncomfortable, especially if you have recently acquired it. Provide plenty of plants, and perhaps some driftwood, if you haven't already, to give the Pleco some interesting decorations to make it feel at home.

How good is the water quality? How large is the tank? The temperature is also important, remember to use warm water for water changes, etc.
Remember, it is normal for Plecostomus to stay in one spot for hours at a time. They are somewhat nocturnal, like many catfish, and will be more active at night.

If you think that your Plecostomus has a disease, you can check out this link to FishLore's excellent disease diagnosis and treatment page:

I hope your Plecostomus recovers!