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im just lost.

23 16:20:33

i have a swordtail that really needs help. i was switching the fish in my tanks so that my bala sharks had a bigger tank with more room. well, after spending so much time catching and transfering them i decided to leave the swordtail in there for only a couple of days. unfortunatly, i think that since my bala sharks are still quite skiddish from the cramped space they were in that during one of their 'spazz' sessions they hurt my swordtail. the area of his body right before his back fin is bent. he can only swim in circles. i did change him over so that he's not in that hostile enviroment, but now i don't know what to do. i would love for him to get better, but if there is nothing i can do then what? my boyfriend keeps saying to flush him, but to me that just seems like a terriable way to go, fish or not. so i was hoping you could help. could it just be a broken bone? and is there anything i can to to help my little fishie?
thank you!

Hi Sam:  flushing fish is never the answer... in fact it is a horrible way for them to die.  A couple of things may be wrong with your swordtail.  It may be an injury caused from being stressed during the capture process or it could be a disease or perhaps an intestinal blockage.  What I would do is this.  I would feed him green frozen peas (thawed) and live brine shrimp.  They both have laxative effects and if its blockage then it will pass.  I would also add some aquarium salt to the water per its instructional label and watch him for a couple of days.  It is possible that he is going to die fish do not handle stress very well.  Make sure he is in a calm environment incase it is an injury then he can mend without being jostled about.  If he is not better in a couple of days and is still moping about then you can think about putting him to sleep.  There is a product called FINQUIL that you mix up in tap water and place the fish in it.  It is very peaceful and the fish just goes to sleep... no whirly wish and maybe he died and maybe he didn't when you flush them.  Anyway... keep me posted and buy your bf a book on Karma.... I am sensing he may be coming back as a swordtail soon.

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