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Guppy swimming sideways

23 16:42:32

About a month ago I setup my freshwater 10-gallon aquarium.  I purchased a female guppy that looked pregnant, and kept a close eye on her.  About a week ago, she developed ick, and I treated it immediately. After about a day and a half, it went away.  A few days after, I noticed her swimming around a little more carefully, and pooping a heck of a lot more..having never actually seen a fish ready to have little fish, I assumed that she was getting ready to give birth, so I moved her to the little plastic box so that she would give birth in it.  But the days went on and on and all she seemed to do is poop more.  
But now she just floats there. When I woke up I thought she'd died, but she's still alive.  She is, however, swimming on her left side, with her right sight up in the air. There's nothing on her, no visible marks of any kind, and she's not gasping for air too much though her mouth is moving pretty steadily. I really don't know what to do, and when I tried researching the issue I found a link to this site. I hope you can help me.

Hello. While I haven't quite heard of a fish swimming on its side there is a problem called swim bladder disorder. It is when a fishs' air bladder is off set. But the thing is if your fish is pooping it leads me to not think it is swim bladder. You can try not feeding her for a night or so and then feed her shelled and cooked peas. I am not sure this will help so please feel free to ask any of the other experts.