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150 gal tank

25 9:17:51

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what would you recommend putting in a 150 galln tank? my only plan as of now is some geophagus and also some new guinea red rainbowfish what else would be good since i have a lot of space
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Hi Zach!
Large aquariums like yours can become quite a show piece especially if they contain interesting groups of fish!
This decision is your personal choice actually...But my first thought to come to mind is a community of large fish--therefore taking advantage of the large aquarium. Oscars, knifefish, larger catfish, eels, plecostomus, and other 'monster' fish would be great in that tank size. But you do have the problem, especially with cichlids, or occasional territorial issues. Or you could go with an amazing display of peaceful, dazzling schools of glittery fish. Any of the tetras, danios, barbs, or even hatchet fish would be wonderful in there and you could most certainly fit about several dozen each of whatever species you like. Biotop aquariums are most facinating. Containing only fish and other aquatic critters and usually plants from a certain region in the world. With that in mind you may want to look into a wonderful book called "Aquarium designs~ Inspired by nature" This book looks into and shows you easily how to plan and create real world enviroments found in nature but captured in your home aquarium. Everything from Asian biotops to European lake scenes. It's an amazing book--and it's just a thought.  You could also do an rainbow fish tank with the new guinea reds in mind. Schools upon schools of several species would be incredible.

With that size of aquarium the possibilites are nearly endless. You should of course always be careful, even huge aquariums can be taken for granted so to speak that they can hold everything. You should have much fun in selecting the fish you decide on for there is little reason why you couldn't stock it with dozens of dazzling schools of fish or keep several big cichlids and create a community of 'monster' fish. Community tanks almost always end up being the most interesting...
My best suggestion is to look into Aquarium design books like the one I mentioned earlier, and look at other Aquarists big tanks for ideas you can go off of.

Well, Best wishes to you and good luck with your 150!

Happy holidays and Happy fishkeeping!

if you were in my shoes what would you do in a 150 gallon tank? also i was thinking of getting one of those new giant filrations systems from all glass aquariums if you have it could you give me some information on them and what i may be spending?

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Hi Zach, Well... I would consider several options for a while before deciding what to keep in the 150. At least while the aquarium is cycling (if it hasn't already).
I am very fond of the Amazon river habitats. I think I would do a very interesting Amazon theme aquarium. A planted tank that is. Angelfish, tetras, Cories, hatchetfish, Discus. If you did lots of research and were very skilled, even a group of Piranhas would be suitable for a Amazon theme aquarium. The fish may be illegal in some areas, but if they aren't, it is possible to grow them to a medium size of about 6 inches or so and even keep similiar sized fish with them. The larger piranhas get, the more docile they become.

Unfortunately it appears that the new filtration systems you are speaking of are relatively new and haven't been priced yet and there is little info on them that I can find. If you could give the full name of the filter, I can probably find out more information for you. In the meantime, try looking on "" for low priced but good quality aquarium supplies including filtration like canistor filters for large aquariums.
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If I were going to do a Amazon theme I would try to mimic a flooded Amazon forest. This setup requires a fine substrate with sprinklings of black gravel of various sizes, scattered along the bottom includes wood like Cork bark and driftwood, floating live plants and thick bunches of plants assorted around the tank create the 'flooded forest' look.  Oh yes, another fish I would consider for the Amazon theme is the Arowana--these fish are common naturally in flooded forests but they can only be kept with other large fish and their eventual size must be kept in mind of almost 39 inches in some cases.
Large majestic groups of Angelfish, two dozen hatchet fish, neons, cardinals, red nose, black widows, and other amazonian schooling fish make a wonderful display. Catfish such as the very interesting Farlowella catfish would be a great addition to this sort of setup--. But of course, the good old Corydoras catfish--also from the amazon--- are still the best winners and probably the cutest of the catfish. Several species each with their own little school would make a interesting bottom feeder display. Don't forget about Discus, usually Discus don't do very well with Angelfish so they are best kept as the show fish of the tank only. I would estimate you could keep at least 4-6 along with the other fish I mentioned. Dwarf ram cichlids make a beautiful display with either Angels or Discus. There are so many beautiful exotic pleco species that can make good tankmates for oscars and Arowanas. They are well worth looking into as well.. With so many varieties--it's hard to list all the plecostomus species!
Another option you could consider---if you are really commited and want something different, is to keep freshwater Stingrays. There are a few species of Amazonian freshwater stingrays such as (Potamotrygon Spp.) all are well worth observing but require quite a bit different care. just a thought!

I am really sorry I couldn't provide more info about the new filters you wanted to know about. If I knew their full name and brand and all, I could probably be of more help!

I really hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me!
Best wishes,
       *Happy Holidays~Happy fishkeeping!*
thank you for your vast amount of imput i still have a little while before im ready to delve into a new tank im just doing some research to make sure when im ready i have thought of everything the filter that i was asking about is called MegaFlow Sump Filtration from All-Glass Aquarium i always like to put a lot of fish in and ones that are big so i would want to get the largest size possible i went on thier website and thier is very little information on it.  

Zach, I have found some good info on the MegaSump filter and a place you can order the correct  size for your aquarium! Go to "" type in Megaflow Sump filter in 'search' and you're there. It's not articles of information but enough to give you a good idea on how it works. is a reliable internet and magazine source for just about every kind of filter, food, tanks, hoods, lighting, heaters, fish and more. You might want to consider ordering from them...but it's your choice. ;-)

I really hope this helps you further! Let me know if you have anymore questions of course...

best wishes!!!!!!!
Happy fishkeeping!