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Disappearing fish

23 15:57:41

I had a bull nose pleco who simply disappeared out of my tank.  It is a 30 gallon tank with 3 snails, 3 other placostamases (sp??) a tetra, and a German Blue Ram.  He was the biggest fish in the tank (about 2-3").  I know he didn't jump out... The lid is very secure.  I have looked inside all of the decorations and the ammonia level is normal.  Could the other fish have eaten him completely???


Hi Donna,
very strange. But not too uncommon.

I'm sad to say this but are you certain that he didn't jump out? Have you looked behind the tank and everywhere else as much as you can see?

One thing that plecos seem to be experts at is hiding. Make sure you shine a flash light (from outside the tank of course! :) as you turn over decorations to make sure he hasn't snuggled up in a small crevice underneath or inside a decoration.

I never doubt that other fish could never be responsible. Although it doesn't seem at the top of the list to blame.

Check the decorations though definitely. I've even had some fish become trapped when they found a small crevice and I had to carefully chip them free. :)

I hope this helps and best of luck!